22 September 2021| CATEGORIES: Covid measures, COVID-19, hospitality and tourism, VAT rates| TAGS: Covid measures, hospitality, VAT News
The VAT rate that applies to certain supplies of hospitality, hotel and holiday accommodation, and admission to certain attractions changes on 1 October 2021. The current 5% rate for these supplies will be replaced by the introduction of a new reduced rate of VAT of 12.5% which will remain in effect until 31 March 2022.
3 March 2021| CATEGORIES: Budget, VAT rates| TAGS: Budget 2021, hospitality, tourism, VAT rate cut
On 3 March 2021 Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered Budget 2021. Most of the Budget measures were targeted at addressing the fall out from the COVID-19 pandemic, including extending the VAT rate cut for the hospitality and tourism sectors.
10 July 2020| CATEGORIES: VAT rates| TAGS: Covid measures, hospitality, tourism, VAT rate cut
On 8 July Rishi Sunak announced a targeted temporary VAT rate cut for the UK hospitality and tourism sectors. HMRC has now published further guidance on the measure, available here.
8 July 2020| CATEGORIES: VAT rates| TAGS: Covid measures, hospitality, tourism, VAT rate cut
In his Plan for Jobs speech today Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced a temporary VAT rate cut for the UK hospitality and tourism sectors to aid recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.