
New EU VAT rules for B2C supplies of livestreaming and virtual events

3 January 2025| CATEGORIES: EU VAT, New tax rules, One Stop Shop| TAGS: , , , ,

The EU has introduced new VAT rules for B2C supplies of livestreaming and virtual events from 1 January 2025. VAT is now due based on the place where the consumer belongs. UK VAT rules for these services are unchanged meaning there is a risk of double taxation and non-taxation on supplies between the UK and EU.


New VAT second-hand motor vehicle payment scheme

9 February 2023| CATEGORIES: Brexit, second-hand vehicles, VAT| TAGS: , ,

A new VAT-related payment scheme for businesses that buy second-hand cars in GB and move them to Northern Ireland or the European Union for resale is to be introduced. This puts Northern Ireland dealers in a comparable financial position to their counterparts in the rest of the UK. Under the terms of the Northern Ireland Protocol the VAT second-hand car margin scheme could no longer be used by dealers for these sales.


Introduction of the domestic reverse charge for construction services delayed for a second time

24 June 2020| CATEGORIES: building and construction services, domestic reverse charge, VAT| TAGS: ,

HMRC has announced that the introduction of the domestic reverse charge for construction services has been delayed again to 1 March 2021 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry. The DRC imposes a significant administrative burden on businesses affected by the change. 

DRC construction services

Introduction of domestic reverse charge for construction services delayed

24 September 2019| CATEGORIES: building and construction services, domestic reverse charge, VAT| TAGS: ,

HMRC has announced that the introduction of the domestic reverse charge for construction services has been delayed by 12 months and will now be introduced with effect from October 2020. The domestic reverse charge imposes a significant administrative burden on businesses affected by the change.


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