3 January 2025| CATEGORIES: EU VAT, New tax rules, One Stop Shop| TAGS: B2C, EU, Livestreaming, new VAT rules, Virtual events
The EU has introduced new VAT rules for B2C supplies of livestreaming and virtual events from 1 January 2025. VAT is now due based on the place where the consumer belongs. UK VAT rules for these services are unchanged meaning there is a risk of double taxation and non-taxation on supplies between the UK and EU.
12 October 2022| CATEGORIES: New tax rules, VAT, VAT penalty regime| TAGS: New HMRC rules, VAT penalty changes
A new penalty regime for VAT comes into effect for VAT return periods starting on or after 1 January 2023. Businesses should familiarise themselves with the changes to avoid getting caught out by some of the finer detail.
21 September 2021| CATEGORIES: HMRC, New tax rules, Tax, VAT| TAGS: Large businesses, New HMRC rules, UTT
The government is introducing new rules from 1 April 2022 which require large businesses to notify HMRC when they take an uncertain tax position. The taxes within scope of the requirement to notify are Corporation Tax, Income Tax (when returned in a Partnership or PAYE return), and VAT.