VAT on school fees

Legal challenge on the introduction of VAT on private school fees

26 March 2025| CATEGORIES: judicial review, Private school fees, VAT case| TAGS:

A case challenging the government’s decision to impose VAT on private school fees will take place in the High Court next week. The specific arguments are that the policy contravenes Article 2 of the First Protocol (right to education) of the ECHR, both on its own and when read in conjunction with Article 14 (protection from discrimination).


EU publishes VAT after ViDA report

24 January 2025| CATEGORIES: EU VAT, VAT after ViDA| TAGS: , ,

The EU Commission has published VAT after VIDA: Reflections on the Future of VAT. The report was prepared by the VAT Expert Group (VEG) at the request of the Commission.  It is a strategic report that examines both long-term and immediate strategies for modernising the VAT system. The aim is to provide the Commission with ideas …

Anaesthesia Associates

Healthcare VAT exemption extended to Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates

8 January 2025| CATEGORIES: Anaesthesia Associates, Medical care, New VAT guidance, Physician Associates, VAT exemption| TAGS: ,

HMRC has published new guidance on the VAT treatment of services provided by Anaesthesia Associates (AAs) and Physician Associates (PAs). Regulation for AAs and PAs by the General Medical Council (GMC) came into effect on 13 December 2024. There is a 2 year transition period. VAT exemption will only apply to the AAs and PAs that have joined the register from the date of registration.


New EU VAT rules for B2C supplies of livestreaming and virtual events

3 January 2025| CATEGORIES: EU VAT, New tax rules, One Stop Shop| TAGS: , , , ,

The EU has introduced new VAT rules for B2C supplies of livestreaming and virtual events from 1 January 2025. VAT is now due based on the place where the consumer belongs. UK VAT rules for these services are unchanged meaning there is a risk of double taxation and non-taxation on supplies between the UK and EU.

EU SME Scheme

EU Web Portal launched on VAT Rules for new SME Scheme

19 December 2024| CATEGORIES: EU businesses, Simplified compliance, SME scheme| TAGS: ,

From 1 January 2025, the EU’s new special VAT regime for small and medium businesses (the SME scheme) will come into effect.  The EU has launched a new portal to assist businesses that want to take advantage of the scheme. The rules for the SME scheme are complex. Small businesses planning to implement the national and/or cross-border aspects should carefully review the EU Commission’s published Guides and Explanatory Notes.


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